Hire Hound and Home Reviews

Hound and Home is operated by Influencer, brand ambassador, and vlogger Julia Parker. Julia boasts 24 years of experience in journalism, graphic design, online marketing, public relations, and link building/SEO. She has worked in news media and for tech companies, such as AOL.

Julia operates the highly successful YouTube Channel Blonde Wig Reviews, which reviews wig industry and hair accessory products.

Julia's love of home decor, kitchen appliance, home furnishings, gadgets and her pets inspired her to create the Hound and Home Reviews YouTube Channel. Hound and Home is a home and pet product  review channel.

She also performs social media marketing for these Channels on Instagram.

While Julia would like to say she's the genius behind Hound and Home's successful brand ambassador campaigns, it is the opinion and personalities of her dogs and cat as pet product testers that resonate with the audience. Each pet product review is creatively written -- often with an accompanying Hound and Home YouTube video -- to engage new and existing customers the best way possible.

We are happy to share Google Analytics reports with companies who are interested in hiring us.

Business Inquiries: houndandhomeinquiries@gmail.com.

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